Tag: emotional regulation

Can you spot a psychopath?

Can you spot a psychopath?. At heart, Hare’s test is simple: a list of 20 criteria, each given a score of 0 (if it doesn’t apply to the person), 1 (if it partially applies) or 2 (if it fully applies).…

“Slow TV” from Norway

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-01/norway-broadcaster-to-show-12-hours-of-knitting/5065378 This is a strange thing – “slow TV” like the “slow food” movement, so that it’s reality TV without the hype. Does this mean that people actually need external mediation or regulation of “time” – it’s okay to spend…

Digital Natives Assessment Scale

Scary, but true, and maybe useful for Louise? The purpose of this study is to address a gap in current research on digital natives by developing the Digital Natives Assessment Scale DNAS. It is a self-report instrument designed to measure…